June 2015 Archives

Volunteers Needed!

Pride Stables is looking for volunteers to help with their Camp Pride this summer.
They take youth as young as 14 as leaders and side walkers with the campers during their riding lessons specialized for children with and without disabilities.

Pride Stables
584 Pioneer Tower Rd
Kitchener, ON N2P 2H9

Ashley Biddiscombe
Volunteer Coordinator/ Instructor
Pride Stables

Upcoming City of Kitchener Events

There are two City of Kitchener events coming up.
Neighbors Day: https://www.kitchener.ca/en/livinginkitchener/Neighbours-Day.asp
Twilight Party at Kiwanis Park: http://www.kitchener.ca/en/livinginkitchener/kiwanispark.asp

City of Kitchener Publications Review Survey

The City of Kitchener is conducting a comprehensive review of its publications and we need your input!
  • Best of Times - our publication geared towards older adults that features programs and activities primarily located out of our three older adult centres.
  • Leisure - our activities guide that features events, recreation and leisure programs including swimming, fitness and camp programs.
  • Your Kitchener - our bi-monthly newsletter that looks at projects and events happening in Kitchener.
Please take a few moments to complete the Publications Review survey.
Hard copy surveys will also be available at our community resource centres and centers for adults 50+.
Survey Link: https://kitchener.survey.esolutionsgroup.ca/takesurvey.aspx?surveyid=94mj8l8

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from June 2015 listed from newest to oldest.

May 2015 is the previous archive.

August 2015 is the next archive.

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