February 2014 Archives

Airport Noise complaint form

For any residents who wish to file a noise complain about an aircraft, the form to register your complaint can be found on the Region of Waterloo International Airport Noise Concern Page.

Public Meeting about 4195 and 4189 King St E.

Councillor John Gazolla will be holding a
Public Meeting
on Wednesday February 12th
from 7 to 9 pm
at the Sportsworld Twin Pad Arena meeting room
to discuss the planned development of 4195 and 4189 King St E ( the corner of King St E and Deer Ridge Drive).
A formal site plan has not been submitted to the city at this time but it is possible that the development would consist of a service station, drive through eating establishment and a variety store.
The developer and their planner have agreed to attend this public meeting to respond to any questions or concerns that residents may have.

Important Information regarding 4189 and 4195 King Street East

Hi there,
Irv Burke at 80 wagon St. (corner of Grand Hill Dr.) I am a former director of the SGCA Association and wanted to bring the Association members up to date on the empty lot at the corner. It seems that Canuck Properties (that owned the small sliver of a lot at the very corner (where the car wash was going to go) is now the full owner of the whole lot. They bought the large section of land from Kings Buffet (next to Century 21) recently.
Take a look at the plan for the lot. They are putting up quite a few buildings that include a bar with patio, a drive thru, a gas station, and many parking spots at the back next to the homes on Grand Hill and Wagon Street.  All this being kept in by a 5 foot fence??
Gord and Daphne Nicholls and Doug Brunton from the Grand Hill Association are active in following up with the Scott Patterson the local architect, as well as with city councillor John Gazzola. They're concerned with pollutants leeching into the water table as they are on wells in the Grand Hill  neighbourhood- a very real concern.
As neighbours bordering the site (Including the folks on Baden Crt.) we should also be concerned with the pollution aspect  as well as the noise that a bar, drive thru and gas station will give off at all hours of the day. Also, lighting is a big factor from both the parking lot and the cars that will use the back spots. Furthermore,  the whole of Deer Ridge should be concerned with the traffic making a quick  right into the plaza from Deer Ridge Drive. There's a potential for rear end accidents for sure.
There will be a meeting in a week or 2 for all concerned neighbours with the architect to get informed and voice their opinions. We  will update the date and time when we have firm plans.
KINDLY FEEL FREE TO CONTACT IRV BURKE @ interspanauto@rogers.com.
Irv Burke

Airport Master Plan Public Information Session

Event:             Airport Master Plan Public Information Session 1
When:             Thursday, February 6, 2014
Time:                 4 - 8 p.m.
Where:            Waterloo Region Museum
                         10 Huron Road, Kitchener
                         (Free Parking)

Brief Introductory Presentations on the hour at: 4, 5, 6 and 7 p.m.

Noise Information Sessions on the half-hour at: 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30 p.m.

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