January 2014 Archives

Airport Noise Management Committee Meeting - Followup

As a followup to the Airport Noise Management Committee meeting on December 5, 2013. The following is a letter to Mayor Carl Zehr regarding the lack of feedback to the presentation that members of the Grand Hill Village subdivision made proposing a new takeoff route that would reduce the noise pollution over our area.

Enquiry from citizens committee opposed to airport noise

Good day Carl
This letter is a follow up to the letter that our group presented to Councillor Vrabanovic at the 5 December, 2013 meeting of the Waterloo Region Airport Noise Committee.
At that time Councillor Vrabanovic was presented with a folder that contained a letter addressed to you, an 18 page copy of the signatures to a petition re changing takeoff flight paths and two maps that illustrated the suggestions presented to the airport noise committee on 5 December, 2013. Councillor Vrabanovic was asked to deliver the folder to you so you could take action and distribute the contents to every member of council.
In the past you have been very diligent at replying to any correspondence that I have sent to you. Since it is now almost seven weeks since this package was given to Councillor Vrabanovic, our committee thinks it is reasonable that we should have received a reply from you about the contents. The recent positive publicity given to the airport and the glowing comments about Nolinor Air that appeared in the January 18th Record editorial suggest that no one is talking about the negative aspects of airport expansion and the resulting noise impact on residents. We are concerned that our council is not giving full attention to an issue that is disturbing a large number of residents in the south end of the city. In fact when we meet with MP Albrecht on 23 January, 2014, the petition we will present will contain over 400 signatures.
In case the folder has been misplaced, please find attached with this letter the following documents:
1. The letter addressed to you on 5 December, 2013;
2. A blank copy of the petition. If you require a replacement copy of the 18 pages included in the folder given to Councillor Vrabanovic, please let us know and we will deliver photocopies of those documents along with the new names that have been collected since early December.
3. A copy of the report sent to residents about the 5 December, 2013 meeting. This report contains the maps that were in the original folder.
In case they have nor yet received their copy, a copy of this letter along with the documents will be sent to every member of your council.
Thank you for your attention to this letter
On behalf of the committee who have canvased for this petition
Gordon Nicholls

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