May 2011 Archives

Bingemans 2011 Discounts

Bingemans is offering Settler's Grove members discounted rates for their summer parks and daycamps for the 2011 season.

Please contact to get your Promo Code before ordering tickets.

Big Splash Pass - 48" tall and over Gate Price $30.45 - Discount Price $25.93
Big Splash Pass - under 48" tall Gate Price $21.41 - Discount Price $19.15
Glen Ridge Golf - per person 9 holes Gate Price $11.87 - Discount Price $9.61
FunworX - per child 2-12 Gate Price $10.11 - Discount Price $7.85
$15 off Day Camp Registration! (Chippers Day Camp, MVP Sports Camp, Eco-Explorers Camp)
Future Discounts on Oktoberfest & Screampark Admissions!

Enter the supplied promotion code into the space labelled: "If you have a promotion code, enter it here"

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This page is an archive of entries from May 2011 listed from newest to oldest.

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