February 2011 Archives

Settlers Grove Annual General Meeting

Settler's Grove Community Association
General Annual Meeting 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011
7:00 p.m.

Sportsworld Arena Meeting Room

Neighbourhood Skating Party

Settler's Grove Community Association
Skating Party
Sunday, February 27, 2011
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Sportsworld Crossing Twin Pad
This is a free family event sponsored by the Settler's Grove Community Association.
If you have any questions or comments, contact us at sgca@live.ca.

Grand View Public School

For those with children currently attending Preston PS:
As you know, children from the Pioneer Tower area attending Preston PS are currently scheduled to move to Grand View PS in September 2011.
On February 10th, the Waterloo Region District School Board held a meeting detailing the plans for the new Grand View PS.  While the plans for the new school look very nice, it will not be ready in September 2011 as originally proposed earlier this year.  The school will not be ready for occupancy until March 2012 at the earliest.  In addition, demolition of the old school and construction of the bus drop off and parking lot areas cannot begin until the new school is complete.
Because of the construction delay, and based on feedback from the Pioneer Tower area parents in attendance at the meeting, the Planning Department is going to request that the School Board vote to delay moving children from Preston PS to Grand View PS until September 2012.
If you have questions or would like to express your support for (or against) delaying the move, please contact Nathan Hercanuck at the WRDSB Planning Department:
(519) 570-0003 x4459

Kitchener Transportation Master Plan

The City of Kitchener is developing a city-wide Transportation Master Plan which will provide strategies and recommendations on how to improve the way people and goods move through and around the City. 
A Public Information Centre (PIC) is being held on Tuesday, February 8th, 2011 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Rotunda Gallery, Kitchener City Hall, located at 200 King Street W. to introduce the Transportation Master Plan process and to present information on existing transportation conditions in Kitchener.

Any questions or concerns should be directed to:

John McBride
Director of Transportation Planning City of Kitchener
Email: john.mcbride@kitchener.ca

Don Drackley, MCIP, RPP
Senior Associate IBI Group
Email: ddrackley@ibigroup.com

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This page is an archive of entries from February 2011 listed from newest to oldest.

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