May 2010 Archives

Settlers Grove Winter Holiday Party

Annual Winter Holiday Party
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mark your calendars for the main event of 2010 - The Deer Ridge Golf Club has been reserved on Thursday December 2nd for the annual Winter Holiday Party.

Settlers Grove Neighbourhood Garage Sale

Second Annual Garage Sale
Saturday June 5th, 2010

Clearing out your basement or garage? Why not take advantage of the Settler's Grove Neighbourhood Association garage sale? Just set up in the comfort of your own driveway between 8 AM and 11 AM on Saturday June 5th and Settler's Grove will take care of the newspaper ad and road signs.

2010 Annual General Meeting

This year's Annual General Meeting of the Settler's Grove Neighbourhood Association
was held at Sportsworld Crossing Twin Pad on Thursday, May 13, 2009.

The minutes of this meeting can be downloaded from our Documents page.

Local Trail Improvements

Two local residents have begun a project to improve a local walking trail.
This work is thanks to Ivan Pejkovic who lives on Lantern Street and Jamie Pabowski who lives on Winifred Street.
Ivan made a presentation at the AGM regarding this path which is off of Lantern Street and runs through the woods and behind Deer Ridge Golf Club.  The path was created by these two residents to improve the ability to enjoy the woods while taking walks.  Anyone having extra lumber that they would like to donate are to contact Ivan directly at (519) 653-8937.
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Dog Walking Grads

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-Away at work? Off on Vacation? Leaving your pet alone?

We offer:
-Pet Visits
-Dog Walks
-Specialized Visits for all types of pets

Michelle & Sara are the best duo for your pet!
Recently graduated, local university students who are energetic, highly responsible and animal lovers!

 WHY US???
Experience with dogs, cats, birds, fish, and reptiles! We want to play, run, walk, and look after your pets! You will be leaving your pet in proper hands--both reliable and friendly to you and your pet! A free consultation ensures YOU are comfortable with us BEFORE any bookings!

Contact Michelle and Sara: or call (519) 242-4295

Kitchener Draft Park Master Plan

The City of Kitchener is pleased to announce that the draft Park Master Plan is now available for public review on the city's website at
The city is inviting you to review the draft Master Plan and provide your feedback prior to finalizing the draft for presentation to city council for consideration of approval on June 28, 2010.  An online workbook will be available on the city's website from May 14 to June 10, 2010 seeking feedback on the proposed strategies presented in the Master Plan.  The community input received through these forums has been invaluable in preparing the draft Park Master Plan and setting a course for the future of the city's parks system.

The Master Plan is an important planning tool providing strategic direction for the city's future investments in park resources, including city natural areas, community trails, sportsfields and active parkland, neighbourhood parks and related outdoor recreation facilities.

Settlers Grove resident Mailing List

Did you know that the Settlers Grove Community Association has an email distribution list?

This is the easiest way to keep up-to-date with news about the neighbourhood.
If you haven't signed up already, go to the sign up page and submit your email address. There is one list for general information we feel would be useful to our residents and one list to provide information about discounts from local businesses.

If you have any questions or concerns you can always reach the board by email at

Your Privacy is important to us: The email addresses that we collect through this service will be used by the Settlers Grove association board to transmit information that we feel is of use or importance to our residents. We will not give or sell the information in this list to any outside agency. You are free to update your preferences or remove your address from our list at any time by clicking on the links provided at the bottom of the emails that you receive.


1425 Weber Street East
N2A 3A7
P (519) 748-0533
F (519) 748-0096

Our hours:
Monday - Friday; 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 a.m.
Sunday: 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Kate, Carmen, Brad and Madelyn.

Download and print our Settlers Grove discount voucher.

We are always willing to provide valuable water treatment advice and solutions to our current and potential customers. We dispense purified water (save with a water package), QUALITY water softener salt, water coolers, water accessories, water softeners, iron filters, reverse osmosis systems and our latest product line: Sodastream- a home carbonated drinks maker (brochure).

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from May 2010 listed from newest to oldest.

April 2010 is the previous archive.

June 2010 is the next archive.

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