April 2010 Archives

Bingemans Park 2010 discounts!

Bingemans is offering Settler's Grove members discounted rates for their summer parks and daycamps until the end of August, 2010.

Please contact sgca@live.ca to get your Promo Code before ordering tickets.

Go to www.bingemans.com

To receive the 10% discount on Consignment tickets:
1) Click on Consignment (bottom left corner)
2) Enter the User ID and Password

In order to receive the 10% discount off of daycamp registration:
1) Select "Entertainment"
2) Select "Daycamps" (second option down on the left)
3) Select the daycamp you're interested in (for example, "Chef School") by clicking "Book Now".
4) Fill out all the required fields.
5) There is a box just above "Emergency Contact Information" (almost at the bottom) that says "If you have a promotion code, enter it here". This is where you would type in your User ID in order to receive the 10% discount.

Please note that this discount is not effective until May 1st. We are already offering our customers a 10% discount if they book by May 1st. By being a consignment user, you can still receive the 10% discount after May 1st.

FunWorX Indoor Playground

425 Bingemans Centre, Kitchener

Birthday Party Special for Settler's Grove Residents-book a Traditional Party Package and receive complimentary Hole in Fun Glow in the dark Mini-Golf for entire party.  Call (519) 744-1555 and mention promo code "Settler's Grove". Offer is good until July 1st, 2010.

-7 Birthday Party Rooms
-3 Levels Play Structure
-Ropes Course
-Rock Climbing
-Hole in Fun

Update on the construction activity at Sportsworld Crossing

Thank you to Bob McColl of Pine Grove Community Association for the following update on the construction progress...

A number of people have asked me about the new construction on King Street at Sportsworld; so I thought I would send the ratepayer group representatives; as well as the Mayor and local councillor, some updated information. Please feel free to circulate this material among the neighbourhood; as in this way, everyone can keep informed. The construction work is going well with the good weather and the tenants for new space on King Street includes:
-Voila Spa
-Marble Slab Ice Cream
-Coquette Lingerie
-Borealis Restaurant
We are also working with a specialty coffee tenant; and are in the final stages of negotiations with two (2) other tenants for this new space which will open in the summer
In terms of our initial retail building, a new tenant called "Athletic Locker" will be opening this summer and we are currently negotiating with other tenants for the balance of the existing space. As well, Ye's Sushi will open in the former Outback restaurant location in mid-May.
We are also excited about the restoration work for the former Pine Grove School House (Borealis Retsaurant). I have attached a few preliminary images (images not included) of the interior of the Borealis Restaurant; as this space is going to look great. This space will open in the fall; as the renovation work is a lot more time-consuming.
On a separate note, we will be hosting a number of community charity events in the Central Green Space this year. In this regard, we are the official "Terry Fox" community organizer for the Kitchener area and the run is scheduled for Sun Sept 19 at Sportsworld Crossing. To this end, we are looking volunteers to assist on the organization committee. Please let me know if anyone from the neighborhood is interested in participating.
In closing, please let me know if you have any questions; and I look forward to seeing you this summer.
Mark Kindrachuk
Intermarket Developments

2010 Settlers Grove Annual General Meeting

This year's Annual General Meeting of the Settler's Grove Neighbourhood Association
will take place at Sportsworld Crossing Twin Pad (Upper Level)
Thursday, May 13, 2009 at 7pm
*All members in good standing invited
If you cannot attend but would like to vote at this meeting, please download and complete a proxy form.

Arthur Murray Waterloo

am_logo_300x250.jpgLooking for a date night activity?
Ballroom and Latin Dancing at Arthur Murray Dance Studio. Add the romantic skills that comes with holding, touching and moving to the music.
Learn to Ballroom and Latin Dance together.
Do not miss out all the fun on the dance floor at the next party.

Beginner's Package - 5 lessons for $25
(2 private lessons, 2 groups, 1 party)

Also, Settlers Grove residents can receive a 5% discount on all other programs.
104 King St. S Waterloo

FunworX at Bingeman Park - UPDATED

Settler's Grove has been given 10 FREE spots at FunworX at Bingeman Park on April 19th between 10am and 4pm. If you are interested, send an email to sgca@live.ca with your child's (or children's) name and the first 10 children will be given a spot at FunworX!!!

FunworX is also working on a special discount for Settlers Grove members. Details will follow soon.

UPDATE, the 10 spots were filled in less than a day. Watch for an email update with more FunworX discounts!

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from April 2010 listed from newest to oldest.

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May 2010 is the next archive.

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