A few small incidents of graffiti have been noticed around the neighbourhood. Help keep our neighbourhood safe and looking great by reporting graffiti to the city of Kitchener's "Graffiti Busters."
All reported sites will be photographed for police monitoring before being removed. To report graffiti or get more information, go to http://www.kitchener.ca/graffiti_busters/graffiti_main.html or call 519-741-2320.
The faster graffiti is reported and removed, the less likely the site will be tagged again.
If you see graffiti vandalism in progress, call 911.
All reported sites will be photographed for police monitoring before being removed. To report graffiti or get more information, go to http://www.kitchener.ca/graffiti_busters/graffiti_main.html or call 519-741-2320.
The faster graffiti is reported and removed, the less likely the site will be tagged again.
If you see graffiti vandalism in progress, call 911.