October 2009 Archives

Graffiti Busters

A few small incidents of graffiti have been noticed around the neighbourhood. Help keep our neighbourhood safe and looking great by reporting graffiti to the city of Kitchener's "Graffiti Busters."
All reported sites will be photographed for police monitoring before being removed. To report graffiti or get more information, go to http://www.kitchener.ca/graffiti_busters/graffiti_main.html or call 519-741-2320.

The faster graffiti is reported and removed, the less likely the site will be tagged again.

If you see graffiti vandalism in progress, call 911.

Festival of Neighbourhoods "Newcomers" Award

On October 25, 2009, the City of Kitchener held it's annual Festival of Neighbourhoods Finale at Kitchener City Hall. Thanks to the efforts of the new Social Committee and the board, Settler's Grove Community Association was entered into the awards selection for this year's Neighbourhood Garage Sale and Summer Family BBQ.

We are pleased to announce that Settler's Grove was selected to receive this year's Newcomer Award. We were entered into this draw for hosting a brand new event for our association in 2009. The prize consists of our association name going on a plaque at city hall, a cedar tree, a framed award and $200 to spend on our 2010 events.

The award will be on display at this year's Holiday Celebration event on November 20, 2009.
Come out to see the award, ask questions of our Social Committee and Board and get involved in your neighbourhood!
For more information on the Festival of Neighbourhoods, visit the city's web page.

Settler's Grove Holiday Season Celebration

The Settler's Grove Neighbourhood Association
invites you to the annual
Settler's Grove Holiday Season Celebration

At the Deer Ridge Golf Club Friday November 20 from 7:30 to 11:00 p.m.

All members in good standing are invited. Event is adults only due to alcohol being served.
If any member wishes to contribute a door prize on behalf of a sponsor/company or on an individual basis, contact us at SGCA@live.ca

Download and print a Door Prize ballot. Submit this ballot at the door on the night of the event.

2009 Leaf Collection Program

The City of Kitchener's annual leaf collection program started Thanksgiving weekend and continues until November 30. There are changes to the program this year that may affect you and details can be found on the City's leaf collection site.
For Settlers Grove residents, the City proposes the following options for dealing with your leaves:
  • Mulch or Compost leaves on your property
  • Take your leaves to an approved drop-off site - the closest site is HOFSTETTER PARK (40 HOFSTETTER AVE.)
  • Bag your leaves for pick-up as yard waste on the designated days.

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from October 2009 listed from newest to oldest.

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November 2009 is the next archive.

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