If you are storing old computers or cell phones, long since replaced, it's time to safely and freely dispose of them on
May 9th with Greentec at the University of Waterloo event, held at the university campus.
The electronic recycling event will help to divert hazardous electronic waste from local landfills. Ontario consumers and businesses throw out more than 90,000 tonnes of old computers, servers, printers, cartridges, cell phones and PDAs every year.
The faculty, staff, students and friends of the university can drop off their used electronic equipment from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at ECH, 263 Phillip Street (Central Stores). Staff will be available to assist in unloading the equipment from vehicles. All items are then shipped directly to Greentec's facility for processing.
Items accepted for free recycling include computers, laptops, computer accessories, cell phones and printer cartridges. For a complete listing of acceptable items, please refer to the link at the UW Events listing
http://www.uwaterloo.ca/ or contact a Greentec representative by calling 519.624.3300 x272 or