July 2008 Archives


The garden surrounding the Settler's Grove entrance sign has been landscaped. Several members have suggested that the flowers and shrubs are overpowering the sign. The existing flowers have been moved into the entrance boulevards and new ground creeping flowers have been planted.
We have met with the city of Kitchener in regards to their responsibilities in the maintenance in our area.
Several areas were addressed including: Settler's Grove Park and entrances to the park, the walkways off Master Crt and between Deer Ridge and Winifred, the stretch of Pioneer Tower before the houses start, and the entrance to Settler's Grove on Deer Ridge.
The park and walkways that are City property are mowed and maintained on the standard City schedule of every 3 weeks.
The other areas that the Association currently contracts SunShine Grounds Care to maintain are explained on the landscaping page.

Car Wash Proposal - Update

We have received the decision from the OMB in respect of the appeal by Canuck Properties. The OMB allowed the appeal and granted the variances requested that would permit an automated car wash to be developed on the site provided they obtain site plan approval for the proposed development.

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